Archaeological and historical investigations in the Arciniega Street area, downtown San Antonio, Texas




Katz, Paul R.

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


Development requested that the Center for Archaeological Research, The Univer-sity of Texas at San Antonio, consider undertaking archaeological and historical investigations in the Arciniega Street area of downtown San Antonio. Sale of City-owner property--including all of New City Block (NCB) 901 and portions of NCB l55--was pending, and the Planning Department was desirous of assessing the nature and degree of cultural resources prior to completing the transaction. The proposed construction of a multi-story luxury hotel on the property would require subsurface archaeological excavations, and the property's inclusion in the La Villita Historical District suggested the advisability of extensive historical research as well. The Center for Archaeological Research's proposal to conduct the necessary investigations was submitted to the Planning Department on February 24, 1976. On April 1 following, City Council passed Ordinance No. 46482, authorizing the funding for the Arciniega Project; and State Antiquities Permit No. 110 was issued on April 5, clearing the way for field work to commence. Excavations were conducted during the period from May 4 through June 7, 1976. Historical research for the project commenced one week prior to the field work, and artifactual analyses began immediately upon conclusion of the excavations. Both the historical and analytical aspects of the project encountered unforeseen difficulties, in the form of complex and voluminous data; both aspects are still in process to some degree, two and one-half years after the field work terminated! Extensions for submission of the final report were granted by both the City Planning Department and by the State Antiquities Committee, extensions which were necessary and greatly appreciated. Project Archaeologist for the Arciniega Project was Dr. Paul R. Katz, the author of this report. Assistant Field Supervisors were Center Research Associates Anne A. Fox, who excavated Features 4 and 4W and authored that particular section of this report, and Susanna R. Katz, who excavated Feature 9 and assisted in the Feature 4/4W and other feature and trench investigations. Curation and analysis of excavated materials were supervised by Anne A. Fox and Shirley Van der Veer. Other Center staff members and volunteers who participated in the field work and laboratory portions of the project are acknowledged by name elsewhere in this report. Historical research was supervised by Catherine McDowell, Director of the DRT Texas History Research Library, ably assisted by Gloria Cadena and Maria Watson. Maps, plans and profiles drawn in the field by the supervising staff, assisted by Elizabeth Cantu Frkuska, were drafted for publication either by Augustine Frkuska or by the UTSA Office of Instructional Services. The author was aided in the preparation of this. report by Jack Eaton, Assistant Director of the Center and by Karen Moloney, Center secretary. The entire Arciniega Project was under the supervision of Dr. Thomas R. Hester, Director of the UTSA Center for Archaeological Research.



archaeological investigation, archaeology, Texas archaeology, historic sites, excavations, San Antonio, Arciniega Street

