CPS Energy 2021 Annual Permit: Final Report for Ten CPS Energy Projects, Bexar County, Texas




Wigley, Sarah
Wall, Peggy
Paige, Jonathan
Kemp, Leonard
McKenzie, Clinton M. M.
Yelacic, David
Munoz, Cynthia

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Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio


From July 27, 2021 through January 5, 2023, the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Center for Archaeological Research (CAR), in response to a request from Adams Environmental, Inc. (AEI), conducted cultural resources investigations on 10 project areas for CPS Energy (CPS). Because CPS is owned by the City of San Antonio (COSA) and is defined as a political subdivision of the State of Texas, the projects require review by the Texas Historical Commission (THC) under the Antiquities Code of Texas. CAR obtained an annual permit, Texas Antiquities Permit (TAP) Number 30154. Cynthia Munoz served as the Principal Investigator and Sarah Wigley, Peggy Wall, Jonathan Paige, and Leonard Kemp served as the Project Archaeologists.

The 10 archaeological investigations were conducted in advance of the installation of a gas main, utility poles, and substation infrastructure. They consisted of five intensive survey projects with shovel testing, one intensive survey project with shovel testing and backhoe trenching, and four cultural monitoring projects. Four new sites, 41BX2480, 41BX2481, 41BX2482, and 41BX2528 were recorded on two project areas, Whisper Falls and Howard Road Parcel 345. CAR recommends site 41BX2528 on the Howard Road Parcel and the portions of sites 41BX2481 and 41BX2482 within the Whisper Falls linear project alignment as ineligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) or for designation as a State Antiquities Landmark (SAL). No further work is recommended for the three sites. CAR recommends the portion of site 41BX2480 within the Whisper Falls linear project alignment as having undetermined eligibility for listing in the NRHP or designation as a SAL due to moderately dense, deeply buried deposits and preservation of organic material suitable for radiocarbon dating. Because additional testing is necessary to make an eligibility determination, CAR recommends avoidance of the site. To comply with CAR’s recommendations for 41BX2480, CPS planned boring methodology for installation to successfully avoid impacting deposits associated with the site.

No materials were collected as part of these investigations. Associated records generated during this project are curated at CAR in accordance with the THC guidelines under CAR Accession 2742.



archaeology, Bexar County, CPS Energy, monitoring


Wigley, S., P. Wall, J. Paige, L. Kemp, C.M.M. McKenzie, D. Yelacic, and C. Munoz (2024). CPS Energy 2021 Annual Permit: Final Report for Ten CPS Energy Projects, Bexar County, Texas. Archaeological Report, No. 502. Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio.
